We all know it's the thought that counts, yet we spend and spend.
Here are a few ways to save for Valentines Day guilt Free!
Make Your Own Valentines Card:
What better way to show someone you love them with a completely personalized card.
Use construction paper, glue, stickers, or whatever you have available.
The recipient will not mind at all that you didn't spend a dime and will love it!
Also surprise them with a Free eCard personalized by you and emailed! Go Here!
Have A Romantic Movie Night For Free:
Rent a Free Movie at Redbox HERE and cuddle up with your loved one.
All in the comfort of your own home without the Theater distractions!
Make A LOVE Coupon Book:
Think of all those little things your loved one bugs you all year for and put it on a coupon.
Example: One Breakfast In Bed, One Massage... Just get creative, they'll love it!
Enjoy A Free Romantic eBook:
Sit back and enjoy a quite time at home and enjoy a Free love themed eBook.
Here are a few thousand to start you off. Free Romance eBooks!
56 Free Valentines MP3's:
Set the mood of the day with loads of love songs. Go Here!
Play all day long at Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and in the car and bath too!
Go For A Evening Walk:
It's Free and you get to enjoy the sites, smells, sounds, and be together.
If the weather is bad where you live, stay home.
Post Some Love:
Go to your loved ones Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. pages and post some love on their page!
Not only will it make them feel loved but also be a nice surprise when they log in.
Hey, it's free and it's the thought that counts.
Occupy Your Kids For Free:
There are tons of Free printable Valentines coloring pages to can print out.
Make it an activity! Go Here!
Print out and have them color them to celebrate the day.
Also do this ahead of time to use for a homemade card from your kiddo!
Make A Video:
If you have access to a video camera of some kind, record a special video just from you.
This is great for families and loved one who can't be together on that day.
They do not need to be with you to see how much you care!!
Even if you can be together, this is a nice surprise for the ones stuck at work or home too!
Free Books, Magazines, DVD's and More:
Head to your local library where you can pick up some things for the whole family.
Take the kiddos, they'll have so much fun picking out a book.
Rent a Romantic movie too!
Completely Free! All you do is return them when your done!
Great for all ages!! Go Here!
Free Books, Magazines, DVD's and More:
Head to your local library where you can pick up some things for the whole family.
Take the kiddos, they'll have so much fun picking out a book.
Rent a Romantic movie too!
Completely Free! All you do is return them when your done!
Great for all ages!! Go Here!
These are just a few ways to Save on Valentines Day!
Another way to help you be Frugal!!