Pretty much everyone loves getting a massage but at what cost. Those can be quite pricey, so usually most get a massage as a treat not an every day expense. What if you could do it yourself without anyone else at all? That can make every day a treat if you would like. Inside each PATENTED Soothie Massager are specially formulated high-density solid polymer balls that contain the ideal moisture content to be safely heated in a microwave. Using HTX Solid Core Technology™, Soothie Massager applies both HEAT & PRESSURE directly to tight muscles and painful knots. Warm it up, lean into any smooth wall and feel your body and back pain melt away. Just HEAT, LEAN & ROLL! It’s just that simple! As an added benefit, the Soothie Massager increases circulation, helps flush out toxins and eases muscle stiffness.
The Soothie Massager® applies both pain-relieving HEAT and PRESSURE directly to tightened muscles and knotty "trigger points" breaking up tension inside even the hardest to reach muscles. A product so unique and effective it was awarded a U.S patent for its smart and effective design. Now you can get a full body, heated massage on your own time without any added expenses.
Unlike other devices which require skill, the Soothie Massager® was designed with ease of use in mind. It's compact and completely portable so that you can get a quality, full body heated massage. It requires no assembly and no prior technical knowledge. Just take it out of the box, read the safety heating guidelines and HEAT, LEAN and ROLL! Use the Soothie Massager at home, at work or on the road. A deep, satisfying massage will never be limited again.
The Soothie Massager is not only a massager to me but works out my arms too. It makes me feel great and helps my body. Never having the time to go get a personal massage is my biggest issue, I can never seem to get away. Don't get me started on the cost. That's why I really enjoy using the Soothie Massager, you can get to everything from head to toe. Pampering myself on my own time without the added expenses is my style.
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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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