My daughter absolutely LOVES Mickey Mouse!
For her 4th birthday, I made these awesomely delicious cookie pies for her.
It's super easy and doesn't take that long to make.
Here is what you need:
1- Package of your choice of Sugar Cookie mix. (1- egg 1 - stick of butter)
1 - Can of Vanilla PINK colored icing.
1 - Cup of flour.
1 - Mickey Mouse cookie cutter. (ONLY $.60 Shipped)
*Baking pan, spatula, and an oven*
How to make your cookies shaped like Mickey Mouse:
*Mix all your ingredients specified on the sugar cookie package.
*Spread out your cookie dough and apply your desired amount of flour
to make it a non-stick cut for your cookie cutter.
*Place each cut out on your baking pan leaving 1.5" to 2" in space between.
*Bake normally 350* - 375* for 8-12 minutes. (Until lightly brown)
*Lay cookies to cool once out of the oven.
*Once cooled, add your desired amount of icing to the underside
of one cookie. Then place another cookie on top.
*Allow to set in refrigerator for 20 minutes (if desired)
VIOLA!! Mickey Mouse Cookie Pies!