Today is Frugal Mom and Wife's birthday! That's right and I am super excited. Today starts a brand new decade of my life. Ready or not it arrived quicker than I ever had thought. So much has happened in such a sort period of time. Looking back I have been through many happy, sad, and uncomfortable times. What stands out the most are the awesome times. Though I feel strongly that every moment is a blessing it's the ones we cherish we hold the dearest. I started this decade under legal drinking age and ended it being a wife and mother. Not only that but thankfully I am a lot wiser than I once was. I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin than I am now. That is why I am happy for today and everyday before it that brought me where I am. Though am a slightly sad to see my 20's go, I am ready to embrace my 30's with open arms. It is an honor to be 30 and who knows what this next decade will bring but I say, "Bring it on". For my birthday today if you would like to celebrate with me go have fun and seize the day. Enjoy every moment!!

I also have been receiving tons of freebies specifically for my birthday month of November. Free meals, gift cards, surprise presents, clothing, and well I could go on and on but... why don't you go see for yourself. Take advantage a get treated all month long like I have! Go Here to get in on a ridiculously long list of freebies for your birthday.