Unless you have the extra funds in your budget to dine out everyday for lunch, bringing your own is the way to go. You can save a small fortune by bring your own lunch to school, work or events. Using containers can save money and the environment by replacing plastic snack bags. These however are not your ordinary containers (plastic is what's common), these are stainless steel.
Stainless steel lunch containers are great for "on-the-go" budget-friendly meals. You can use these snack containers to hold all sorts of snacks! Free of BPA, phthalates, PVC and lead, all three stainless steel boxes are perfect lunch and snack containers that nest inside one another. Each lunch container is made of unlined 18/8 food-grade stainless steel and the lunch box lids are made of non-toxic LDPE number 4 plastic. The large container is 16-ounces, the medium container is 8-ounces and the small container is 5-ounces.
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