FREE Montessori Numberland HD iOS App! (Limited Time Only)

An Award-winning Montessori based number app for pre-K children, 
with 10 beautifully animated scenes, to learn numbers from 0 to 9.
 Each scene will give your child the possibility to: 
- See how to write a number, hear and learn its name and 
count objects to reinforce the learning, 
- Practice writing numbers on a digital notebook using color pencils, 
- Learn to count with Montessori* material such as number rods 
and spindles to understand the notion of quantity, 
- Learn in different languages by switching languages on the home page, 
- Save his/her artwork by touching the camera.
* The Montessori Method relies on autonomy and self-confidence. Children should explore the app by touching as many objects as possible, with the support of their parents. 
Click the button below to get this app.