Tangles, tangles and more tangles.. What a headache! They don't have to hurt your pretty little head or your wallet any more. No more buying detangle spray ever again! As long as you have these 2 special ingredients on hand, you will never have to tackle a tangle without your spray! It's way too easy to make your own, I will show you how!
- Empty spray bottle (The one in photo was $.99 at Walmart (6oz.) in the travel section)
- Conditioner (moisture rich or regular, any brand)
*Mix one part conditioner and two parts water. To do this, I mixed about 2oz. conditioner and 4oz. water in the 6oz. spray bottle pictured in this post.
12oz. = 4oz. conditioner + 8oz. water
8oz. = 3oz. conditioner + 5oz. water (rounded off)
6oz. = 2oz. conditioner + 4oz. water
Viola!! That's it!!