You can text the word MOVIE to 78787, and enter your birthday and email address to enter in the M&M’s Movie Sweepstakes for a chance to win 1 of 500,000 FREE $6 MasterCards!
If you win (you will get a text letting you know immediately) you can then, go here and enter your unique code that you received in the text message.
If you want the FREE $6 Mastercard, you will need to click on “$6 Use at a Movie Streaming Service” OR you can choose the other option ($6 Movies on Demand Credit) to apply the $6 to your cable bill for movies on demand. Then, click print and instructions on how to use your $6 MasterCard will pop up.
Wow!! I just won and loaded onto my Paypal Here account. You can also go to
Amazon and buy a gift card or use towards a purchase at thousands of online retailers. Enjoy and Good luck!