Soothie Massager Review!

Pretty much everyone loves getting a massage but at what cost. Those can be quite pricey, so usually most get a massage as a treat not an every day expense. What if you could do it yourself without anyone else at all? That can make every day a treat if you would like. Inside each PATENTED Soothie Massager are specially formulated high-density solid polymer balls that contain the ideal moisture content to be safely heated in a microwave. Using HTX Solid Core Technology™, Soothie Massager applies both HEAT & PRESSURE directly to tight muscles and painful knots. Warm it up, lean into any smooth wall and feel your body and back pain melt away. Just HEAT, LEAN & ROLL! It’s just that simple! As an added benefit, the Soothie Massager increases circulation, helps flush out toxins and eases muscle stiffness.

5 lb. Bag of Sugarless Gummy Bears {Priceless Reviews} Must See!

When shopping around I always check out the review to help decide whether or not I really want to purchase the item. Sometimes the reviews are personal and very funny. Other times they can be very informative to choose if you want to purchase from that particular buyer. Coming across these yummy gummy bears I couldn't resist sharing the reviews that have been user submitted. Sometimes looks of an item can be deceiving, follow the link below to find out why.
Click Here To See More!

Free LEGO® City {My City} App!

Bundled together in one app you can be the hero as you catch the escaped crooks in action packed car chases, or on foot in the park. Put out the fires in the city or steer the Coast Guard helicopter to rescue shipwrecked from the sharks. You can even be the fastest in the city by speeding across the finish line first in the slotracer game. If your car breaks down? No worries, just steer the tow truck through city traffic before it is too late. You can even fly the heliplane to deliver cargo to the airport. Just make sure you dodge the oncoming traffic.